We’ve created Naveen Boutique’s website as a cutting-edge E-commerce platform, incorporating a powerful tech stack. Our backend relies on Node.js for robust performance, while MongoDB efficiently manages our database for seamless scalability. Crafting the frontend using HTML, CSS, and React.js, we’ve designed an attractive and user-friendly interface. By seamlessly integrating a secure payment gateway, our customers can confidently shop online for their favorite items. This makes Naveen Boutique’s website the go-to destination for fashion enthusiasts, enhancing their shopping experience and solidifying our position as a strong competitor in the online fashion industry.
16 January 2022
HTML, CSS,Bootstrap5, Reactjs, Nodejs, MongoDB
Schwan Watson
25 July 2022
WordPress, Elementor Pro, Woodmart Theme
Comfort Wheels
30 December 2023
WordPress, Elementor Pro ,
John Doe
16 September 2023
HTML, CSS,Bootstrap5, Reactjs, Nodejs, MongoDB