Email Marketing

Around 3.9 billion people use email every day to talk to others, and no other way of talking to people online is as popular as email. If you want to grow your business, you should consider using email marketing. It’s a great way to reach the right customers and make more sales. You can get help with this from CognitoJS. We can create an email campaign that matches your business goals perfectly.

Increase your Sales and Brand Awareness

Elevate your sales and make your brand more widely known by using email marketing. It’s a strong tool for reaching out to customers and spreading the word about your business. Don’t overlook this effective strategy to grow your business and connect with your audience. Email marketing can help you send messages, special offers, and updates right to your customers’ inboxes, increasing your chances of making sales and building brand recognition.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a really strong way to find new customers and turn them into loyal ones. Many people still prefer getting emails from companies, even though there are other messaging apps around. Email is used all over the world, so email marketing is super important.

Email marketing means sending messages to people to tell them about your brand, sell products or services, and build a good relationship with them. Email marketing companies use special email services to send personalized messages, like newsletters and special deals.

A lot of businesses, big and small, use email to share their messages. Do you use email marketing to help your business grow? It’s a smart move in this digital world. You should start planning your email marketing strategy today to make your emails work better and boost your sales.

Offer More Benefits To Your Customers & Achieve Impressive Outcomes

Why Email Marketing is Important?

Elevate your sales and make your brand more widely known by using email marketing. It’s a strong tool for reaching out to customers and spreading the word about your business. Don’t overlook this effective strategy to grow your business and connect with your audience. Email marketing can help you send messages, special offers, and updates right to your customers’ inboxes, increasing your chances of making sales and building brand recognition.

Why do you need to have Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a simple way to reach mobile users, who make up a big part of your target audience. A report by Pew Research tells us that over 50% of smartphone owners in the US read emails on their mobile devices. This trend is similar in many other countries where the number of smartphone users is increasing. So, with email marketing, you can easily share your message with mobile customers because:

– Emails are easy to read on mobile phones.
– They don’t cost anything for the consumer.
– You have more room to promote your content compared to text messages.

The Importance of Email Marketing

Some people may wonder why email marketing is necessary when there are popular social media platforms. Many folks still check their emails for special offers from their favorite brands. In fact, 44% of users look for brand promotions in their emails, while only 4% turn to social media for ad info.

Here are more reasons to consider investing in an email marketing campaign service to help your brand grow.

Create Strong Customer Loyalty

Building strong relationships with customers means having regular interactions with your brand. Email marketing helps you do that and can make people loyal to your brand while boosting sales. Plus, it’s much cheaper, about six to twelve times, to market to your existing customers through email compared to other methods like paid ads or social media. Targeted email campaigns don’t just bring in more business; they also save you money.

Grow Your Business's Reach

Email campaigns work better than old-fashioned marketing methods. Studies reveal that 72 percent of email users check their emails more than six times a day, and nearly 92 percent of internet users have at least one email account. Skilled email marketing experts can assist you in reaching your desired audience on any device, all while being respectful and following the CAN-SPAM Act rules.

Engage Various Audiences

One great thing about B2C and B2B email marketing is the super personalized communication you can achieve. Unlike old-fashioned marketing, where you send a generic message to a big group, email marketing lets you give special discounts, personalized messages, and data-driven campaigns. You can use info like birthdays, where people live, and how valuable they are as customers to make your emails special. Instead of one-size-fits-all campaigns, you can talk to different groups of people in a personal way.

Save Time & Energy

Email marketing is a great choice for small businesses, franchises, and companies with multiple locations because it’s way less work than old-school marketing. You don’t have to worry about postage or putting labels on everything for each campaign. With targeted email marketing, you can reach your ideal customers, whether there are just a few hundred or a hundred thousand, in just a few minutes. If you don’t have time to learn all the ins and outs of email campaigns, the top email marketing companies can help you out.

Test Email Campaigns

Email marketing on the internet gives you lots of chances to check if your marketing is working well. You can do A/B and multivariate testing to look at almost every part of your email campaign, like the subject line, the time you send it, and the content inside the email. This helps you understand where you might need to change your email marketing plan to get more people engaged with your emails.

Monitor Your Analytics

Email marketing software provides important data and insights into how well your targeted email marketing is doing and how your campaigns are performing. Common engagement metrics you’ll see include open rates, click rates, click-through rates (CTRs), bounces, and conversions. Depending on what you want to achieve with your marketing, a skilled email marketing expert can help you understand these numbers and use them to improve how you connect with your audience.

How To Approach Email Marketing? Do It Right. Do It With The Best.

Our main goal is to run effective email campaigns for you. These campaigns aim to connect with potential customers, increase website visits and sales, and keep existing customers engaged. We’re not just here to help you send out emails – we also bring innovation to your email marketing and offer strategic advice to turn it into a source of income for your business.

what do we offer in Email Marketing?

We can take care of your entire email campaign, from creating and designing it to running it based on your business objectives. We have access to powerful tools that can assist in creating compelling and engaging emails that grab the user’s attention.

Email Templates

We provide a range of email templates for you to select from and customize to match your business style or align with your contact’s information.

Contact Management

We offer a variety of email templates that you can choose from and customize to fit your business approach or tailor to your contact’s data.

Real-time Insights

We’ll execute different campaign structures to identify what works best for you, keeping you informed with progress reports.

Mobile Friendly

We craft mobile-friendly emails tailored to your target mobile users, informed by their mobile trends and behaviors for optimal viewing.

why us?

With countless email marketing management service providers available, what sets CognitoJS apart?

Here are a few distinguishing factors to consider.

Minimal Pricing

We understand that budget is a crucial factor in choosing the right email marketing agency. That’s why we aim to be transparent about our pricing, ensuring you know what you’ll receive, the cost involved, and can plan your budget effectively.

Split Tests For Your Subject Lines

Our goal is to make sure your emails work their best. That includes testing various parts of your emails to ensure they’re top-notch. The subject line is crucial for open rates, and we’ll conduct split tests to find the most effective one that gets the most opens possible.

Landing Pages Into Action

Landing pages are where your email subscribers land when they click a link. Whether it’s about a product or service, the goal is to make users convert. CognitoJS will create and set up your landing pages, so you won’t have to worry about it.

Email Testing Services

We aim for the best email performance, with high interactions, open rates, and conversion chances. That’s why we test your emails before sending to guarantee they’re well-constructed and easily understood by recipients.

Copy Writing For You

You don’t need to stress about creating email content; CognitoJS will handle all the custom copywriting for your emails. Sit back and watch those conversions come in without any worries.

Managing Your Campaigns

With CognitoJS, you can enjoy worry-free email campaign management with free project management in every package. If you prefer a partially managed campaign, you can provide the copywriting while we handle the rest, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

You've found the agency that can give you the Solution you need

CognitoJS has the solutions you’ve been looking for. Don’t wait while your competitors outshine you. It’s time to get noticed!

Services Scope

Prominent Industries Using Our Email Marketing Services

Offering Email Marketing services to diverse businesses and coming up with revolutionary solutions

Real State & Property

On Demand Services

Event & Tickets

Travel & Hospitality

Social Networking



banking and finance


ecommerce & B2B

Gamming & Leisure

Restaurants & FOod


Frequently Ask Questions

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a way for businesses to send messages and promotions to people through email. It helps them connect with customers and increase sales.

Companies create emails with special offers or information and send them to people who have shared their email addresses. People receive these emails in their inbox.

Email marketing is important because it’s a direct and cost-effective way to reach customers. Many people check their email regularly, making it a valuable tool for businesses.

Yes, email marketing can work for small businesses. You can send emails to your customers with updates, offers, and information to help your business grow.

Yes, there are rules, like the CAN-SPAM Act, that require businesses to include an option to unsubscribe from emails and avoid sending unsolicited emails.

A regular email is a personal message, while an email marketing campaign is a message from a business to a group of people, often with promotional content.

You can measure success through metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to see how effective your emails are in engaging customers and driving sales.


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